Roulette Tricks, How to Outfox the Casino System

Roulette Payout Trickster

How to Outfox the Casino System? Whether you are a roulette pro or a newbie, it wouldn’t go amiss to find out a few winning strategies at some point.

The potential payout odds in roulette are stated in the form of x to 1, which means you’ll win x dollars for every 1 dollar you bet. For example, a single-number bet offers a payout of 35 to 1. The roulette tips to win we will be sharing here work with either so you can count these as online roulette tips and tricks too. One very important point you should understand right from the start though is that even if you become some sort of roulette expert, the house will always end up winning most of the time! In that article, Scoblete recommends taking a count of each outcome for 3,700 spins in single-zero roulette and 3,800 spins in double-zero roulette in the hunt for 'hot numbers.' Never mind that this would take about 100 hours to make this many observations, assuming the industry standard of 38 spins per hour. Using a laser pointer and a computer isn’t the most discreet way to cheat at roulette. So, how about a magnetic roulette ball to improve your odds? In the early 2000s, a team of Austrian roulette cheats found a way to activate magnetic fields that drew the ball to certain numbers based on where the player stood.

Strategies to avoid in online roulette according to Gclub Img source: The first bad strategy is Basket bet: It is a roulette casino game where you place bets on 0, 00, 1, 2 and 3 with payout rates. The payout ratio is 6:1 (bet one pay 6, excluding capital), which is considered quite good.

Roulette is one of the most traditional games and yet still so fun.

But you do not have to travel all the way to a brick and mortar casino just to play as you can nowadays do so in a live casino online.

However, winning in both these places can be enjoyable and profitable only when you know how to outsmart the casino system.

Roulette, just like any casino game, depends partially on luck and a lot more on tricks. You need to learn a few tips if you want to win, but you will also have to test them too.

Below are some of the strategies that can outfox the casino system in no time.

Try the Roulette Demo Version First

Imagine being at a roulette table, and all you are hearing around is “split”, “straight”, etc., and you have no idea what is happening.

This is where the demo version comes in.

It is a mode provided by online casinos where players can try out the game for free without paying a single dime.

Practicing on this free option allows you to understand the basic knowledge about roulette, the bets around it, and so much more.

You can try out many different variants as long as the casino allows and practice those skills.

This is one of the easiest ways to boost your winnings as you will get to familiarize yourself with the system.

Roulette Payout Tricks

Make Outside Bets

Outside bets can give you the highest chances of getting some cash but do not expect mind-blowing prizes with it.

These are the best bets a beginner should focus on since even though the payout ratio is 1:1, you have a 50 percent chance to win. Some of the outside bets you can use include:

  • High/low: Includes betting on numbers 1 to 18 and 19 to 36. The payout ratio is 1:1.
  • Columns: Wagering that the ball will and on any of the three columns on the table. The payout is 2:1.
  • Dozens: Placing bets that the ball will land on 1 to 12, 13 to 24, or 25 to 36. The dozens bet has a payout of 2:1.

Roulette Payout Tricks

Use the Martingale System

This is also known as a double-up method and is probably one of the most common tricks you can use in roulette.

The concept behind this strategy is simple – the player should increase their bets every time h/she loses so that when they win, they will end up getting the money they lost and some profits.

For instance, start betting with $10, and if you lose place the next bet at $20 and increase until you win. After that, you start with your initial bet again and go through the cycle of increasing the stakes.

No math wizard is necessary for the Martingale system as it is easy to implement and can be used even with beginners.

The safest bets to use with this trick will be on outside bets (even, odd, black, red, 1 to 18, or 19 to 36).

Go with the Fibonacci System

This is another old but safe way of outwitting the roulette system. It can only be used on odds or even, black or red, 1-18 or 19-36 bets, which have a 50 likelihood of winning.

So how can one use the Fibonacci strategy? The system states that the next number should be a sum of the previous two.

You start by betting 1 and increase it throughout the game. Generally, this is how the Fibonacci chain looks like 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377 – 610 – 987.

Other Systems that Can Work on Roulette


The Martingale and Fibonacci are just some of the most common and safest ways to boost your winnings.

But they are not the only ones as you can still use other systems like the James Bond and the Grand Martingale.

The latter is a pricey variant of the original Martingale system whereby while doubling your bet after every loss, you add a small amount from your initial bet.

Moreover, the James Bond system is considered as “beginners favorite” and is simply combining bets with the highest odds on roulette.

How to Outfox the Casino System: Final Thoughts

The mentioned tricks are just some of the ways you can outsmart the casino and elevate your winnings.

Remember to always bet responsibly, try out the demo version, do thorough research, and set a budget first before playing.


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