It’s early July, which means the poker world is getting ready to start the road to crowning a World Champion. Well, at least a World Champion in the eyes of the World Series of Poker. While mostpeople still consider the Main Event of the WSOP to be the granddaddy of the poker world, so many other tours have come on the scene in the last 10 years that it may be difficult to actuallydetermine who poker’s true World Champion is (see the Global Poker Index for debate purposes).

Why Poker Is Not A Sport

Read Saving Poker Part 2and3.

Lets see according to Ocean Staff competition means sport so a political party vs another political party to win an election is a sport. The race to be the first in space was a Sport!!! The only reason Poker and Chess (which by the way are games of skill) are called sports is because they are broadcast on ESPN and ESPN II. The good news is, poker doesn’t have to be considered a sport to be on ESPN, because it contains one very crucial element that is found in all sports: Competition. There is enough crossover appeal. It is not uncommon, even at the Hall-of-Fame level, to find poker players who fritter away their bankrolls by indulging their addictive selves in loser gambling activities (sports betting, betting. Column: Poker Is Not A Sport - Why Pro-Only Events Will Never Work. In the aftermath of the Epic Poker League filing for bankruptcy, Barry Carter questions whether the PGA Tour model can truly work in the poker industry.

At any rate, there will be thousands of entrants paying their $10,000 entry fee to take their shot at TV time on ESPN and networks around the world and all the prestige that comes from holdingthat bracelet. When the month-long WSOP comes around each year, talk seems to turn to what the industry needs to do to save the dying game of poker. Everyone appears to have an opinion, so thatgot me thinking: How can we save poker, and does it really need saving in the first place?

Why poker is not a sports

Why Poker Is Not A Sport Team

Some backstory on me here: I have been in the online gambling industry for almost two decades, with a decade of that devoted to the poker industry. I have seen it all, from the highs of theinternet poker scene to the lows of Black Friday. Through it all, one thing is very evident: poker players are resilient, and will find any way necessary to enjoy the game they love.

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